Produksjon av natriumkarbonat
Produksjon av kommersielt natriumkarbonat omfatter energikrevende prosesser. Å fange termisk energi fra en prosesstrøm til bruk i en annen er en smart måte å minimere energikostnadene og maksimere produktiviteten. Alfa Lavals brede utvalg av kompakte, holdbare og effektive varmevekslere hjelper natriumkarbonatbransjen med nettopp det.
On the pulse of the soda ash industry
Getting the most out of available materials, reducing production costs and increasing yield are key success factors for soda ash producers. But corrosive media can get in the way.
Compact and corrosion-resistant, Alfa Laval plate heat exchangers deliver high performance, durability and peace of mind. Made of corrosion-resistant titanium or other precious alloys, our highly efficent heat exchangers do away with the headaches associated with conventional shell-and-tube exchangers. Plus Alfa Laval plate heat exchangers can easily be opened and cleaned on the spot, drastically reducing maintenance costs
Alfa Laval spiral heat exchangers are a sound alternative for these duties, thereby reducing the pressure drop for the gas.
Saving space - and increasing productivity
For years Brunner Mond used tubular Caisse heat exchangers as ammonia still condensers at their soda ash plant in Northwich, England. However, as time passed they faced problems with corrosion and leakage and the solution was an Alfa Laval plate heat exchanger condenser.
Øk fortjenesten – resirkuler energi
Investeringer i spillvarmegjenvinning er ofte svært lønnsomme. Tilbakebetalingstiden er vanligvis mindre enn ett år.