Marine Innovation Summit 2022
Together for sustainable shipping
You’re well aware of the marine industry’s tough goals: reducing impact while keeping business strong. How exactly will we achieve them? Join us in finding answers at the Marine Innovation Summit 2022.
During the livestream event, Alfa Laval will bring together leaders from various areas in the maritime business and repeat the success from last year.
Over the course of a little over two hours, our panels with top marine industry profiles will discuss:
- How to design your vessel for 2030
- Importance of investing in human sustainability
Registration is free, so secure your place now!
Watch the full event !
If you were not able to join us live then here is your chance to watch the full event here on demand. Join us on the route to sustainable shipping.
Speakers Bio's
Tom Erixon Tom Erixon is President and CEO of Alfa Laval AB since 2016. Previously Tom has held positions as President and CEO of the Ovako Group, President of Sandvik Coromant and a number of senior positions in Sandvik. During the 90’s he had a career in Boston Consulting Group where he became Managing Partner and Practice Leader Industrial Goods.
Sameer Kalra Sameer Kalra is President of the Marine Division at Alfa Laval AB since 2019 and member of Alfa Laval’s Group Management. Sameer joined Alfa Laval in 2011 because of Alfa Laval´s acquiring Aalborg Industries. He has held different senior management positions within the Alfa Laval group, recently as President for Business Unit Pumping Systems (Framo). Prior that he was group Executive Vice President - Sales & Marketing in Aalborg Industries and has also sailed on ships for several years as a marine engineer.
Rasmus Bach Nielsen Rasmus Bach Nielsen joined Trafigura in August 2014 as Global Head of Wet Freight. During his six years in this role he helped transform the wet freight book into one of the leading global players in the market and oversaw more than USD 3 billion of successful asset transactions between 2017-2019. In August 2020, Rasmus took up the newly established role of Global Head of Fuel Decarbonization with the objective of reducing the Group’s shipping emission footprint.
Per Olof Arnäs Dr. Per Olof Arnäs has been working with and in the transportation industry since the late 1980:s and has spent the last decade researching the digital development in the sector at Chalmers University in Sweden. After a decade doing research, he decided that just studying the future was not enough when you can help build it instead and joined intelligent mobility company Einride as a Senior Logistics Strategist.
Li Xin Mr. Li Xin was graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU) in 2000, and has been into ship design and R&D for more than 20 years in Shanghai Merchant Ship Design & Research Institute (SDARI) of CSSC group. Since 2014, he also has been focusing on R&D of smart ship and AI applications for maritime. He was the technical group leader of China innovation research program “Smart Ship 1.0” which developed two smart VLOCs and two smart VLCCs. He has been a member of Chinese delegation in MASS group of MSC in IMO since the group was set up. Now, he is the vice director of innovation center in SDARI, and focuses on R&D for ship types, smart ship & systems, and AI solutions.
Dr. Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry With over three decades of professional and academic experience, Dr. Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry, an international lawyer, is a global leader on maritime law, labour standards and labour law, and law of international organizations. She is a distinguished academic in the field of international law and an international advocate for sustainability and innovation. Appointed by the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Dr. Doumbia-Henry became the seventh President of the World Maritime University (WMU), a university established within the framework of the IMO.
Masahiro Takahashi Mr. Takahashi joined NYK Line immediately after graduation in April 1987. In his 35 years in NYK Line, about half of his carrier in container business and the rest is ship owning affairs, including environmental regulations, managing inhouse ship management companies and R&D section. It is announced that from 1st April, 2022, he would be promoted to Executive Officer in responsible for Environment Group and Technical HQ Management Group.
Chen Yuli
Mr. Chen completed doctoral programme for Transportation Engineering at SMU with a Ph.D. degree in 2016. He concentrated upon such researches as MET, shipborne navigational system, maritime governance and marine pollution prevention from ships. He began attending meetings of International Maritime Organization (IMO) and International Labour Organization (ILO) as delegate of International Maritime Lecturers Association (IMLA).
Carsten Ostenfeldt Carsten brings with him over ten years of international ship management experience, having served as Managing Director of Anglo-Eastern (Germany) GmbH in Hamburg, the group’s largest ship management office outside of Asia. He was also CEO of Dania Ship Management and Senior Vice President and COO of Nordic Tankers in Denmark, as well as CEO of Thome Ship Management in Singapore. Complementing his career in ship management is a strong and extensive background in marine engineering and technical services.
Birgit M. Liodden Birgit is a self-made entrepreneur who has worked to push sustainability, entrepreneurship, next generation & diversity across the maritime industry for almost 15 years. She is currently building TOOL, a global and digital community for connecting ocean entrepreneurs with established industry players and resources, with partners across 17 countries.
George-Paul Perantzakis Education Work Experience Naftomar Shipping & Trading Co Ltd (2007-2015) |