Ekstra membranutstyr
Alfa Laval provides everything you need for a complete membrane filtration system. We also offer a wide range of special ancillary equipment, fittings and accessories needed for installing the membranes used in spiral-wound and plate-and-frame systems, and for operating them safely and efficiently
The gentle alternative
Alfa Laval is one of the world's major suppliers of industrial separation technologies. We have a proud tradition of providing virtually all industries with separation equipment based on centrifugal and mechanical principles. However, there are may processes in which the substances involved are too delicate to be able to withstand such treatment. And for those processes we take price in offering a gentle alternative viz. cross-flow membrane filtration.
Alfa Laval is the world's leading supplier of crossflow membrane filters and equipment for sanitary use. High-hygiene Alfa Laval membrane products are the preferrred choice for many leading users of membrane filtration technology, as well as for OEM suppliers of membrane filtration modules and systems.
Getting the performance right
The efficiency of Alfa Laval's membrane filtration systems depends heavily on the reliable, uninterrupted application of auxiliary equipment, specially designed for supporting and optimizing the plant output.
Alfa Laval is unique in being able to also provide our customers with a comprehensive range of auxiliary membrane equipment, such as tailormade membrane housings, installation devices, heat exchangers, control instruments, tank equipment and valves. All our auxiliary membrane equipment is approved for pressure classifications up to 60 bar to resist membrane filtration processes requiring high operating temperatures.
Alfa Laval also offers a wide selection of high-pressure pumps of sanitary standard with carefully selected flow characteristics to control the flow across the membranes.
- wide range of special ancillary equipment, fittings and accessories
- full spectrum available from one single expert source
- short delivery times and efficient logistics
- all components dovetailing perfectly
- all materials in compliance with FDA regulations and suitable for food and pharmaceutical applications
One expert source
By choosing Alfa Laval as your preferred supplier of membrane filtration systems and auxiliary membrane equipment you benefit from efficient logistics, from all the components dovetailing perfectly, and the advantages of purchasing the full spectrum of sanitary equipment and fittings from one single expert source.
Hvordan fungerer membranfiltrering
Fysisk separasjon
Membranfiltrering er en fysisk separasjonsprosess der drivkraften er forskjellen i trykk mellom de to sidene av en spesiell membran. Denne prosessen er preget av evnen til å skille molekyler av forskjellige størrelser og egenskaper.
Nesten all industriell membranfiltrering utføres som cross-flow-filtrering, hvor væsken som filtreres, strømmer parallelt med membranen med høy hastighet og under trykk.
Fysisk barriere
I sine mest grunnleggende termer innebærer membranfiltrering å føre en enkelt matestrøm gjennom et membransystem som skiller den i to individuelle strømmer, kjent som permeatet og retentatet. Membranen som skiller dem er en fysisk barriere med høyt spesialiserte egenskaper – en barriere som kun enkelte utvalgte komponenter i tilførselsstrømmen kan passere gjennom.
Passerer gjennom
Porene i et slikt membranmateriale er så små at de måles i ångstrøm (10–10 m), og det kreves trykk for å tvinge væsken gjennom dem. Faktisk er porene i membranene som brukes til nanofiltrering og omvendt osmose, så små at de ikke kan sees selv med et skanningselektronmikroskop.
All materials used for the production of Alfa Laval membranes, in both spiral-wound and flat-sheet membrane designs and configurations, comply with EU Regulation (EC) 1935/2004, EU Regulation 10/2011, EU Regulation (EC) 2023/2006 and FDA regulations (CFR) Title 21. The membranes are thus suitable for use within food and pharmaceutical processing applications.
These compliance also extend to the equipment and fittings related to membrane operations, including items such as plate-and-frame units, element housings and pumps.