Unique Mixproof UltraPure

Alfa Laval Unique Mixproof UltraPure is designed to suit the needs of the Pharmaceutical and Biotech industries. It enables the simultaneous flow of two different fluids without the risk of cross-contamination. Modular in design, they ensure maximum uptime for continuous, high-purity processes.

640x360 Unique Mixproof UltraPure with ThinkTop V70

The high-purity, double seat valve for continuous processes

  • Non-spilling solution
  • Easy to clean and maintain
  • Modular design enables easy configuration
  • Easy to upgrade
  • Full component traceability
The Alfa Laval Unique Mixproof UltraPure provides a higher degree of plant flexibility resulting in optimized plant efficiency without compromising product safety.

Exceptional high-purity design

This advanced double block-and-bleed valve provides long-lasting, spillage-free operation for continuous processes in the pharmaceutical, biotech, personal care and other hygienic industries. This minimizes the risk of product contamination and ensures maximum uptime as well as safe and hygienic operation.

Easy to clean and maintain

Maintenance and cleaning is quick and easy due to a top-loaded design, no adjustable components, maintenance-friendly actuator and built-in leakage detection on all seals. Like all Unique mixproof valves, the Alfa Laval Unique Mixproof UltraPure meets stringent hygienic standards.

Easy to configure and upgrade

Optimize your hygienic process by customizing the Unique Mixproof UltraPure to suit your needs. Its modular design also makes it easy to upgrade the double seat valve whenever your process needs change while ensuring efficient, hygienic and continuous production.

Full and documented traceability

Unique Mixproof UltraPure valves come with Alfa Laval Q-doc, a comprehensive documentation package for UltraPure equipment. It ensures full traceability of all product contact parts. Based on Good Documentation Practice (GDP), Q-doc documents every aspect from raw material to delivered equipment.  

Hvordan det virker


Unique Mixproof valve exploded view with ThinkTop V70

Unique Mixproof valve HIW H316xH562


    • 3-A version available upon request
    • Product wetted seals HNBR, NBR, EPDM or FPM
    • Male parts or clamp liners in accordance with required standard
    • Control and indication: ThinkTop or ThinkTop Basic
    • Side indication for detection of upper seat lift


Spar vann med ThinkTop

Gjør noe bra for miljøet og spar opptil 95 % CIP-væske når du rengjør ventilene. Innovasjoner som ThinkTop-sensor- og kontrollenheter gjør ressursbruken mer effektiv samtidig som det ivaretar prosesshygienen. Legg ThinkTop til ventilene for å optimalisere prosessene.

ThinkTop 640x360

360° Service and maintenance videos

Alfa Laval Unique mixproof valves - replace axial seal

Alfa Laval Unique mixproof valves - replace radial seal

Alfa Laval Unique mixproof valves - replace product-wetted seals

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